One Spirit

One Spirit

La Célébration One Spirit…une expérience à vivre, à goûter, à partager dans la simplicité de l’Être. Le temps d’une fin de semaine, vous êtes invités à laisser à l’entrée tout le bagage superflu, toutes les étiquettes, limitations, masques et identifications portées habituellement dans le monde. Retrouvons ensemble cette légèreté, cette spontanéité de l’Être que nous sommes.

Offrons-nous un lieu et un espace pour Être ensemble, pour laisser la Vie s’exprimer à travers le silence, les chants, la danse, la peinture, le rire, toutes ces expressions vivifiantes de l’Être.  Laissons l’harmonie naturelle se déployer en nous et entre nous, en tournant nos cœurs vers ce qui nous relie profondément :  l’Amour, la Paix, la Joie, la Lumière de l’Esprit Un.

Les chants sacrés, au cœur de ce Festival, constituent une voie privilégiée pour faire l’expérience concrète de l’unicité, de ce qui nous relie, au-delà de la diversité des traditions spirituelles (amérindienne, soufie, hindoue, sikh, bouddhiste, juive, chrétienne, etc.) et des chemins individuels empruntés. Au-delà des mots et des concepts, les chants sacrés favorisent cette ouverture du cœur, de la conscience pour que s’offre ce contact direct avec la Vie et la Vérité de l’Être, en soi et en l’autre.

Venez aussi vous immerger dans la toute belle nature qui se déploie sur la terre paisible et inspirante de l’Ashram, où les gens viennent se ressourcer tout au long de l’année. Venez profiter du calme de la forêt pour marcher dans les sentiers qui s’étendent sur 88 acres, sentiers ponctués d’escales où l’on peut s’asseoir pour méditer et contempler la Vie en expression. Vous pourrez aussi vous rafraîchir ou nager en tout temps dans le petit lac vivifiant de l’Ashram.

CONTACT: Stephane- Ashram du Noble Chemin, 1634 Côte Angèle, Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours (Montebello), Qc, J0V 1L0, 514.843.4858 ou 819.423.6931

Newfoundland- Woody Island: Body, Mind and Spirit Retreat

Newfoundland-               Woody Island: Body, Mind and Spirit Retreat

September 9th, 10th, 11th, 2019. (Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday), Woody Island, Placentia Bay  

Brought to you by: Lucy O’Driscoll M.Sc., B.Ed. Ph: 709 895-0544.  Cell: 709 689-2244 E-mail: Website:

I will giving two workshops at this wonderful event, as well as leading the Dances of Universal Peace! One event is with prayer vessels from clay, and another creating our wishes and intentions with colour and light as illuminated artwork. For more info you can look at the Lucy’s website- I love the Newfoundlanders and this group is just amazing to be with!!!! You will love them!

Share in the 9/9/9 energy of the 9th month, 9th day, of 2019.  Join us in Garden Cove, 2 hour drive west of St. John’s and east of Gander.  From Garden Cove, we get aboard of the Merasheen for the 40 minute sail to Woody Island. This rugged, quaint, beautiful Island, resettled in the early 1970’s has preserved much of its original heritage.  Woody Island offers a step-back-in-time, a magical retreat location like no other.  You will feast on home-cooked meals of pan fried fresh cod, pea soup, toutons & molasses, and fresh homemade bread, to name a few.  
Your fee covers boat travel to and from the island, two nights’ accommodations, meals, workshops and evening programs. Individually these services would cost over $800.00 + HST.  Your cost is 480.00(taxes included). This is an amazing price for what you are getting!   I will pair you up if you are registering single and would like a partner for your room.  Some single rooms are available for additional $150.00.  Some Financial assistance is available for single parents and students. There is a very limited number of spaces, and will fill on a first come basis. You can pay $100.00 now to hold your space and pay the remainder before August 10th, 2019.
Number 9 is the number of Universal love, eternity, faith, Universal Spiritual Laws, the concept of karmaspiritual enlightenmentspiritual awakening, service to humanity, lightworking and lightworkers, leading by positive example, life purpose and soul mission, intuition, and strength of character. 
The number 9 also resonates with learning to say ‘No’, it heralds the end of a cycle, closure, problem-solving, inner-wisdom, self-love, freedom, optimism and Divine wisdom.
If the number 9 and any of its connotations speak to you, join us for an amazing 3 days, 2 nights, on Woody Island where we can smell the salt spray of the ocean, see the dark night sky with its amazing stars, relax, and be pampered.
At this retreat, you will experience the beautiful Newfoundland landscapes and seascapes.  In September the earth is warm, the berries are ripe, and the bugs are gone!  Don’t Get Much Better Than That!!!

Walking the Planets

Walking the Planets

a Dances of Universal Peace event with many different leaders from Canada and the US.

I will be one of those offering dances and music at this wonderful event!

The Eganville Dance Circle is pleased to invite you to join us in learning and practicing the Astrological Walks from the Dances of Universal Peace with guest leader Aarifa Stewart, long-term leader of the walks. As we move into the dances, we will attempt to embody these planetary energies.

We thank the “Oneness Project” for their support for this event.

Where: Eganville Seniors’ Centre at 30 Bell St. Eganville, On.
To register and for information contact Pat Tamosetis at 613-625-2277

Cost: $30.00 for the whole day and evening.

$10.00 for the evening dance session 7:00 to 9:00 pm

Please bring a sack lunch. Dinner will be potluck. Refreshments will be provided.