Gros Morne Solstice Retreat, 2018 NEWFOUNDLAND

Gros Morne Solstice Retreat, 2018 NEWFOUNDLAND

       Celebrate Summer Solstice in the heart of Gros Morne National Park.  NEWFOUNDLAND 

June 22-24, 2018.

This is one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL places I have ever been to, an unknown bounty of beauty that is a well kept secret!  I am so honored and delighted to help host this workshop with Alison. Below is the info- . I hope you can join us!

Relax, unplug and reconnect with Mother Nature and her cycles. We follow ancient pathways of music and playful sacred ritual — nature discovery, water blessings, dancing, chanting, fire ceremony. Facilitators are: Alison Normore, Ph.D, a local shamanic teacher and ceremonialist, and Helga Schleeh, a multi-media artist from Montreal. Helga will facilitate Dances of Universal Peace which draw on the sacred phrases, scripture, and poetry of the many spiritual traditions of the earth. The Dances blend chant, live music and evocative movement into a living experience of unity, peace and integration.
Fee includes shared accommodation and meals at Killdevil Camp and Conference Center, Lomond, NL
Cost: $150.
June 1st Registration deadline
Register Here: